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Fat Injections
in Las Vegas, NV

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“… less is more …”

Robert Browning

Autologous Fat Transfer

Fat injections, also known as autologous fat transfer, use fat cells that have been harvested from the patient to enhance another area of their face or body.

While the fat injection technique is a minor surgical procedure, it provides an excellent source of soft-tissue filler material, which to some degree, has a permanent effect.

Fat transfer moves fat from one area of the body to another and, in many cases, helps to re-contour the face by diminishing frown lines, crow’s feet, and nasolabial folds (smile lines) while providing definition to areas like the cheeks and chin.

Am I a Candidate for Fat Injections?

Candidates for fat transfer wish to restore volume in particular areas (such as the face) and have excess pockets of fat elsewhere on their bodies that can be used. Patients interested in this treatment want a longer-lasting result than what is possible with alternative treatments like dermal fillers or collagen stimulants.

What Are the Benefits of Fat Injections?

Patients choose autologous fat transfer because:

  • Fat injections are natural and non-allergenic.
  • Injected fat comes from the patient’s body, so no pre-testing is required. A person’s own fat cannot be rejected; however, another person cannot donate fat.
  • Fat injections can be performed as an outpatient procedure.
  • Fat injections require little downtime.
  • Fat injections cause minimal discomfort that can be controlled with oral medication.
  • Fat injections – in part – are permanent.
  • Fat injections are cost-effective if combined with other procedures.

How Are Fat Injections Performed?

Although the procedure is often done in an operating room as an adjunct to other surgical procedures, it is possible to have such injections done under local anesthesia in an office setting.

The fat injection technique can be described as follows.

  • The donor site (abdominal wall, buttocks, or thighs) and the recipient site are injected with a local anesthetic. Intravenous fluids may also be injected into the donor site to facilitate fat collection.
  • Fat is extracted through a specialized needle and processed to remove excess fluids.
  • The fat is then re-injected in thin strands within a desired recipient area (for example, specific areas along the face and lips). Mild overfilling may be necessary to counter the natural effects of partial fat absorption during the weeks that follow treatment.

Fat also can be harvested during liposuction, then re-injected into another desired location. The longest-lasting effects usually involve repeat treatments.

Is There Downtime After Fat Injections to the Face?

There is often some swelling and bruising after the injections — mostly within the first 3 days.

Patients should avoid the sun during the early stages of healing.

When Will I See My Fat Injection Results, and How Long Will They Last?

Results vary from patient to patient. While some fat particles permanently survive the transfer, others do not. Repeat treatments may be warranted for long-lasting results.

Contact Dr. Minoli to Start Your Facial Rejuvenation Process

If you want to help restore youthful facial fullness, contact Minoli Plastic Surgery in Las Vegas, Nevada, to learn more about your options. Please call us at (702) 459-3223 (FACE).

The relationship with our staff does not end when you leave our offices. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns during your recovery or need additional information.

Supported by a
Dedicated and Skilled Team

Even with Dr. Minoli’s accomplishments and training, he couldn’t do this without his dedicated team, led by his wife, Anita. Together, they have built a family practice based on compassionate and personalized plastic surgery care.

Contact Dr. Minoli and
His Team in Las Vegas, NV

If you are interested in face, nose, or body surgery with Dr. Minoli, contact our office by calling (702) 459-3223 or filling out our online contact form.
