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Breast Augmentation
in Las Vegas, NV

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“An appreciation for beautiful human proportions is ancient … so too for curvaceous breasts.”


Breast Enlargement

Throughout the ages, women have chosen to enhance their breasts to satisfy a basic desire for a well-shaped and aesthetically positioned bosom.

For women whose breasts never developed to a size that met their expectations, have significant asymmetry, or lose volume due to aging, childbirth, or weight changes, breast implant surgery (also known as breast augmentation or augmentation mammaplasty) may help improve shape and size while conferring a more proportional overall figure.

Combination procedures are available for women who may need lifting as well as augmentation.

Why Should I Choose Dr. Minoli for My Breast Augmentation?

Dr. John Minoli offers years of trusted experience and various procedures for beautifying your breasts. He is triple board certified in aesthetic surgery and has treated thousands of patients across the United States.

Dr. Minoli remains up-to-date on the most advanced surgical techniques by undergoing continued surgical education and experience. A consultation with Dr. Minoli may help you further appreciate if breast augmentation (breast implantation/augmentation mammaplasty) surgery is right for you.

Am I a Candidate for Breast Augmentation?

Breast implant surgery can be performed once the breasts have fully developed. Because of this, Dr. Minoli usually recommends waiting until a woman is at least 18.

While pregnancy and breastfeeding may impact the size and shape of your breasts, you may still decide to undergo breast augmentation surgery before having children and choose to deal with post-pregnancy changes later on. Since the milk ducts and nipples are left intact, breast augmentation surgery should not affect your ability to breastfeed; however, this should be discussed further during your consultation.

You may be a candidate for breast augmentation if one or more of the following conditions exist:

  • You are bothered by the feeling that your breasts are too small.
  • Your clothes fit well around your hips but are often too large at the bust line.
  • You feel self-conscious wearing a swimsuit or form-fitting top.
  • Your breasts have become smaller and lost their firmness after having children.
  • Weight loss has changed the shape of your breasts.
  • One of your breasts is noticeably smaller than the other.

John Minoli, MD, FACS

How Is Breast Augmentation Performed?

Breast augmentation is one of the most common aesthetic procedures performed worldwide. This operation enlarges and beautifies under-shaped and/or underdeveloped mammary glands. Using small camouflaged incisions (either within the areola, the inframammary fold, or the armpit), breast implants are placed either in front of the chest muscle (pectoralis major muscle) or behind it.

Dr. Minoli performs breast augmentation at an accredited ambulatory surgery. For your comfort and safety, general anesthesia is administered by a board-certified anesthesiologist. Some select patients undergoing minor breast surgeries may qualify for surgery under local anesthesia in our office; however, this is not usual. Appropriate prescription medications are provided for preoperative and postoperative home use, including antibiotics, muscle relaxants, and painkillers).

Breast implant surgery entails three basic choices:

  • Choice 1: Placement of incisions
  • Choice 2: Position of implants
  • Choice 3: Types of implants.

Dr. Minoli in Surgery

Breast Augmentation Incision Placement

Breast implants can be inserted through the bottom rim of the nipple-areolar complex (periareolar), the breast fold of the breast (inframammary fold), the armpit (transaxillary), or the navel (transumbilical). The inframammary fold and periareolar approaches are the most common.

All incisions are expertly sutured for a meticulous final closure.

Breast Augmentation Implant Position

A custom-designed surgical pocket is created to place the respective breast implant. Breast implants are placed in front of (subglandular) or behind (subpectoral) the pectoralis-chest muscle. In some situations, women opt for dual-plane implant placement, where the subpectoral implants are only partially covered by the pectoralis major muscle.

Breast Augmentation Implant Types

Dr. Minoli uses various implant shapes, sizes, and types, ranging from cohesive memory-gel silicone implants (gummy bears) to saline implants.

All breast implants have a solid silicone shell (smooth or textured along their outer surface); however, the inner filling defines the implants.

When the inner filling is salt water, the implants are referred to as saline implants. When filled with cohesive-silicone-gel, they are called silicone implants (also known as gummy bear implants).

Additional considerations involve the actual shape of the implant. Implants are round or anatomical-shaped (teardrop-shaped).

Implant profiles include low-profile, medium-profile, medium-plus-profile, and high-profile.

Ancient arts are the healing arts, and he is a true artist.

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Should I Combine My Breast Augmentation With Any Other Surgeries?

While some women choose to undergo breast augmentation alone, others benefit from combining breast enlargement surgery with breast and body contouring surgeries like breast lift surgery, tummy tuck surgery, or liposuction. When these procedures are combined, it is commonly referred to as a Mommy Makeover.

How Long Is Breast Augmentation Recovery?

It is important to realize that recovery time varies greatly among individuals. You will be returning to Dr. Minoli’s office regularly so that your postoperative progress can be properly evaluated.

Breast Augmentation Recovery Week By Week

First few days: You may need personal assistance in the first few days of recovery. You should be up and about during the first few days following surgery to promote blood circulation, but you should not strain.

Your dressings will be removed in the days following surgery so that Dr. Minoli can examine the treated areas. In rare instances, such as in some revision breast surgery patients, small drainage tubes may be placed in the breasts under the bandages. These drains can help prevent the accumulation of postsurgical fluids in the breasts. They are usually removed the first day after surgery, and a full shower or bath is not permissible until the drains are gone. A full shower or bath is typically allowed on day 2 or 3 of your recovery. Washings must be done gently during this early period, and specific instructions are given to each patient.

Your breasts may be tender, but this usually subsides later in the first week. You will also start to wear a postsurgical support bra, which should be worn throughout your breast augmentation recovery.

First week: Bruising and swelling will continue to worsen during the first week. Stitches are often removed within 5 to 10 days, but straining, bending, and lifting should be avoided during the early postoperative period.

Depending on the extent of your breast surgery — and your general physical condition — you may be able to return to non-strenuous work anywhere from 1 to 3 weeks after surgery. As the first postoperative week progresses, so does one’s sense of independence.

Week 2: Bruising and swelling, common during the first few postoperative days, subside during the second week. By week 2, driving privileges will likely resume.

Weeks 3 to 5: You can resume most of your normal activities, including mild exercise. You may continue to experience mild periodic discomfort and swelling during this time, but such feelings are normal. Severe pain should be reported.

Any sexual and vigorous activities, especially extended arm movements, should be avoided for at least 3 weeks.

Week 6: It takes about 6 weeks to pass social scrutiny and 6 months or more before residual lumps and bumps dissipate.

Incisions will initially be red or pink and remain this way for several months. There may also be numbness in some areas, which may take several months to dissipate. Scars will fade over time, but no matter what, incisions create scars, and scars are permanent. Most incisions heal nicely, but some scars are more noticeable.

Fortunately, breast augmentation scars are usually concealed by natural body creases and can be covered with clothing. Occasionally, a touch-up revision may be desired to improve a contour or a scar. The additional treatment can usually be performed under local anesthesia in Dr. Minoli’s office.

Since the healing process is gradual, you should expect to wait up to 1 year to see your final results; however, you can begin to enjoy your new appearance within a few weeks.

Our team is a family — we rely on each other and treat you like one of our own.

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When Will I See My Breast Augmentation Results, and Are They Permanent?

The results of your breast surgery may be dramatic or subtle, depending on how you looked before surgery and your specific goals. Since the healing process is gradual, you should expect to wait at least several weeks before being able to appreciate your “new look.” Modest changes may continue to occur over several months to a year.

Various healing factors may prolong the final result. Fluid retention and prolonged swelling are typical in the months following surgery. Nevertheless, the results of your surgery should be long lasting. If your body changes after breast augmentation, breast revision surgeries are available to adjust or correct implant-related complications.

Breast augmentation (breast implantation/augmentation mammaplasty) surgery will enlarge your breasts and enhance their shape. With this, you may find it easier to wear certain clothing styles and feel more confident in your body image.

Understanding Breast Revision

Approximately 25% of women undergo secondary breast surgery at some point. If you become dissatisfied with the appearance of your augmented breasts (for any reason), you may choose to undergo breast revision to restore their more youthful contour and appearance.

Implant Complications That Require Revision

When a breast implant is inserted, a scar capsule forms around it as part of the natural healing process. The capsule may sometimes tighten and compress the implant, causing the breast to feel firmer than normal. Capsular contracture can occur to varying degrees, and if it is severe, it can cause discomfort or changes in breast shape. In such cases, breast revision surgery may be needed to modify or remove scar tissue or perhaps remove or replace the implant itself.

Breast implants are not “lifetime devices” and cannot be expected to last forever. If a saline-filled implant breaks, its contents are harmlessly absorbed by the body. Implant rupture can occur due to trauma to the chest, but more commonly, it occurs spontaneously with no apparent cause. Surgery is required to replace the ruptured implant, but this surgery is typically straightforward.

Breast Augmentation FAQ

What will my personal breast augmentation consultation be like?

Your consultation will likely include a discussion about your overall goals, particularly your desired shape and size.

You should come to the consultation prepared to discuss your medical history and any medical conditions, including diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart disease. Dr. Minoli will want to know about your current medications and previous surgeries (including breast biopsies), prior mammograms, or a family history of breast cancer. If you plan to become pregnant or change weight, discuss this with Dr. Minoli, as pregnancy can alter breast size in unpredictable ways.

Dr. Minoli will examine, measure, and photograph your breasts. Your skin tone and its associated elasticity will be assessed along with your breasts’ underlying glandular and fatty elements. Chest (pectoralis) muscles and pre-existing scars will also be evaluated.

Will insurance help cover the cost of breast augmentation?

Breast augmentation is typically a cosmetic procedure and, as such, is not covered by most insurance companies. In rare instances, a congenital or acquired breast deformity may be causing a functional problem, and reimbursement may be available. Many factors determine your eligibility for coverage, including the specific terms of your insurance policy.

What are the risks of breast augmentation surgery?

The subject of risks and potential complications of surgery is best discussed personally between you, Dr. Minoli, and his staff. Fortunately, significant complications from breast augmentation surgery are uncommon.

Common side effects may include the possibility of:

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Bruising
  • Prolonged discoloration
  • Swelling
  • Numbness
  • Reactions to anesthesia
  • Painful or attractive scarring
  • Contour irregularities
  • Fluid collections
  • Tissue loss
  • Need for further surgery
  • Unsatisfactory results

If you are at an age when routine mammograms should be conducted, it will be important for you to select a radiologist with experience and skill in taking x-rays of augmented breasts. Additional mammogram views of your breasts will be required.

In some instances, Dr. Minoli may recommend other imaging exams, such as ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Some women with breast implants have reported the co-existing presence of connective-tissue disorders or autoimmune-related diseases. Women without implants also have these disorders, and several large studies provide reassurance that women with implants do not have any unusual or increased risk of contracting these diseases.

Permanent changes in sensation (or loss of sensation) within the nipples or breasts can occur.

In the unlikely event of injury to the nipple-areolar complex, small skin grafts or skin flaps can be used for a satisfactory reconstruction.

John Minoli, MD, FACS

Contact Dr. Minoli to Start Your Breast Augmentation Process

If you want to increase your breast volume and confidence, contact Minoli Plastic Surgery in Las Vegas, Nevada, to learn more about your options. Call us today at (702) 459-3223 (FACE).

The relationship with our staff does not end when you leave the operating room. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns during your recovery or need additional information.

Supported by a
Dedicated and Skilled Team

Even with Dr. Minoli’s accomplishments and training, he couldn’t do this without his dedicated team, led by his wife, Anita. Together, they have built a family practice based on compassionate and personalized plastic surgery care.

Contact Dr. Minoli and
His Team in Las Vegas, NV

If you are interested in face, nose, or body surgery with Dr. Minoli, contact our office by calling (702) 459-3223 or filling out our online contact form.
