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“… less is more …”

Robert Browning

Age-related skin laxity or sagging results from the skin losing its strong elasticity, and small fat pockets form as our skin starts to sag. That leads to jowls, bags under the eyes (eye bags), and other unwelcome changes.

We provide FaceTite in Las Vegas, a state-of-the-art procedure that can reverse the first signs of aging and produce excellent, transformative results, at John Minoli, MD FACS.

What is FaceTite?

FaceTite is an FDA-approved minimally invasive device that tightens skin on the neck and face while eradicating localized fat deposits. FaceTite improves sagging skin, wrinkles, and other problems. It is permitted to treat jowls, cheeks, neck, eye area, brows, and other locations.

How does FaceTite work?

The method used by FaceTite is known as radiofrequency-assisted lipolysis (RFAL). RF (radio frequency) waves are injected into the tissues and skin during a FaceTite treatment to liquefy and melt away extra fat and intensely stimulate the creation of elastin and collagen, your body’s natural structural proteins that result in tighter, younger-looking skin. Your skin is internally restructured and remodeled by collagen and elastin to provide a more vibrant, lovely glow.

What happens during FaceTite treatment?

We will administer a local anesthetic before your Las Vegas FaceTite surgery starts to ensure you are at ease. About two hours will pass during your treatment.

With FaceTite, rejuvenation starts with a tiny incision. This little incision installs the FaceTite device, delivering the radiofrequency waves directly to the desired location. These RF waves deeply stimulate collagen production while liquefying undesirable fat cells. The damaged fat is removed using an additional tube.

Following the FaceTite procedure, our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Minoli, will apply compression garments to the treated region to help reduce swelling and encourage healthy healing. It will guarantee that your skin tightens appropriately to conform to its fresh and firm contours.

Results and Recovery

After your FaceTite procedure, allow a few days for recovery. Some bruising and swelling may occur during this period, but these side effects will disappear within a week. After a few days, most patients can resume their regular activities, including work.

Within a week, FaceTite’s initial effects became visible. The coming months will see more advancements as your body exploits the increase in collagen production to regenerate tight, young skin.

You only require one treatment to get the best results. FaceTite delivers stunningly revitalized effects that endure between one and five years.

Benefits of FaceTite

Patients who want stronger, more contoured features without undergoing a facelift or other surgical surgery can benefit significantly from FaceTite. The various benefits are as follows:

  • Contours and Slims the face
  • Reduces accumulated, undesirable fat pockets on the neck and face
  • Only one treatment is required for optimal results.
  • Short recovery period
  • No scarring
  • It is a non-surgical facelift alternative.
  • Results appear almost immediately, within a week, and continue improving over months.
  • Sculpts and tightens the jawline
  • Firms sagging facial and neck skin
  • Achieves more precise face outlines
  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles

Ancient arts are the healing arts, and he is a true artist.

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Who is a good candidate for FaceTite?

Patients who display wrinkles, skin laxity, small pockets of undesirable facial fat, and other early indications of aging but aren’t ready to have a surgical procedure like a facelift are candidates for FaceTite. If you satisfy the following criteria, you might be an excellent fit for FaceTite:

  • Are healthy
  • Have no significant medical conditions
  • Are not nursing or pregnant
  • Have not had face injections in the previous six to eight months
  • A healthy weight that you believe you can maintain
  • Skin sagging isn’t extreme (skin laxity must be modest to moderate).
  • Are not prepared to undergo surgery
  • Have sagging jowls or a double chin


Q: Is FaceTite safe?

Yes, FaceTite is considered safe when done by a qualified and board-certified practitioner like Dr. Minoli. It is a minimally invasive procedure with fewer risks and complications than traditional surgical methods.

Q: What areas can be treated with FaceTite?

FaceTite can be used on various facial and neck areas, including the jowls, jawline, neck, and cheeks, to address sagging skin and contour irregularities.

Q: Can FaceTite be combined with other procedures?

Yes, FaceTite can be combined with other cosmetic procedures like liposuction, breast augmentation, breast reduction, dermal fillers, laser treatments, Botox, and tummy tuck to achieve more comprehensive results.

Q: Are there any limitations or potential risks with FaceTite?

FaceTite is generally safe, but as with any medical procedure, there are potential risks, including infection, scarring, or temporary nerve irritation. Consulting with a board-certified plastic surgeon is essential to assess individual suitability and potential risks.

Q: Is FaceTite a permanent solution for skin tightening?

While FaceTite provides long-lasting results, the natural aging process will continue. Doctors may recommend maintenance treatments to prolong the effects.

Q: Is FaceTite a suitable option for postpartum skin tightening?

Yes, FaceTite can be considered for postpartum skin tightening and rejuvenation, helping to address skin laxity resulting from pregnancy.

Q: What is the difference between FaceTite and traditional facelift surgery?

FaceTite is less invasive than a traditional facelift, as it doesn’t require large incisions or general anesthesia, resulting in reduced scarring, downtime, and risks.

John Minoli, MD, FACS

Why choose John Minoli, MD, FACS, for FaceTite?

Dr. John Minoli is a board-certified plastic surgeon who prioritizes his patients and their attractive outcomes. He is committed to giving his patients a rejuvenated, natural-looking look in a supportive environment. Dr. Minoli makes sure all of his patients, whether they undergo surgical procedures or not, are aware of their options and are at ease approaching him with any questions.

To provide his patients with a modern, luxurious, private sanctuary in which they can unwind while embarking on an aesthetic journey, Dr. Minoli founded John Minoli, MD FACS. He aims to help his patients in the Las Vegas area seem as young and vibrant as they feel by bringing out their inner beauty.

Call John Minoli, MD, FACS, immediately to schedule a consultation for your FaceTite treatment in Las Vegas and learn more about the results this technique can help you attain.

Supported by a
Dedicated and Skilled Team

Even with Dr. Minoli’s accomplishments and training, he couldn’t do this without his dedicated team, led by his wife, Anita. Together, they have built a family practice based on compassionate and personalized plastic surgery care.

Contact Dr. Minoli and
His Team in Las Vegas, NV

If you are interested in face, nose, or body surgery with Dr. Minoli, contact our office by calling (702) 459-3223 or filling out our online contact form.
